Do Brooklyn, New York Schools Offer After-School Programs?

Are you looking for after-school programs for your child in Brooklyn, New York? Many programs provide students with the opportunity to learn new skills, explore their interests, and discover new things. From free meals to STEM activities, there are a variety of extracurricular programs available for elementary school children. The core offerings of these programs include dinner and socialization, help with homework, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), literacy enrichment, recreational activities, conflict resolution, clubs and the community circle. Without your support, these programs cannot continue to be created and delivered.

In addition to homework support and healthy snacks, some programs also offer bus pick-up service from participating local schools. The New York Society of Play offers a well-thought-out curriculum that teaches students to apply social skills derived from games to the outside world. Visit the New York City Department of Education's extracurricular page to learn more about the programs offered throughout the city. Art After School AT School presents projects based on books and works of art with a wealth of materials and built-in sensory exploration.

The ARDOR after-school program is offered to all enrolled students from third grade to fifth grade in the local neighborhood. The PS34 School Settlements Association is a school program that only enrolls PS34 participants in grades K-5.Nicks Alliance is a Brooklyn nonprofit organization that offers comprehensive extracurricular activities for approximately one hundred PS34 students. These activities include art, theater, media and storytelling, help with homework, hot food every day, indoor gym, private outdoor playground, mini-camps during school holidays, and free pick-up service from local schools. We provide comprehensive services within the school during the day and after school hours.

These services offer students the opportunity to participate in visual and performing arts, science, literacy, sports, physical conditioning, leadership, and community-building activities.

Quentin Breier
Quentin Breier

Award-winning music lover. Avid web lover. Freelance twitter advocate. Extreme beer nerd. Friendly web nerd.

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