Specialized Programs for Students with Disabilities in Brooklyn, New York Schools

Are you looking for specialized programs for students with disabilities in Brooklyn, New York schools? Block Institute has been providing special education and evaluation services for children with special needs between the ages of three and eight for more than 50 years. For adults with disabilities over the age of 18, we offer day rehabilitation, vocational services, day treatment, and quality residential care in a family-like environment. Our adult programs help people with disabilities develop greater independence, individuality, productivity, and inclusion in the community. The Block Institute in Brooklyn, New York, is a nonprofit, non-sectarian agency devoted to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families.

The Path program is a collaboration between the DOE and the New York University (NYU) ASD Nest support project. School staff can customize these individualized supports for students in the ASD program and use them in blended, fully remote learning environments. Path students take part in standard assessments, including the New York State (NYS) Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) tests. The student is not physically aggressive, has no self-injurious behaviors, and does not show “escape” behaviors such as running away from staff or leaving the classroom or school building.

Path social workers are trained to implement a therapeutic counseling intervention designed for a school to support students who have experienced traumatic or stressful events. The classes in the Path program follow New York State's learning standards and the same curriculum used in all New York City public schools. Your child's current school and staff will continue teaching through the autism spectrum disorder program starting in September. For more information, talk to the program school and check the New York State Department of Education website titled Bilingual Education and English as a New Language.

Glenholme School is an independent, mixed boarding school and day boarding school for children ages 10 to 21, taught in high school, high school, graduate school, and a transitional life for professional development. While students with significant behavioral support needs are often recommended to study in a separate classroom and school, Path students learn alongside their peers in an inclusive classroom and school. Teachers and support staff are trained in specialized educational strategies and evaluations that help students learn and apply work and independent living skills at home, school, and in the community. As the program is not available in all schools and there are a limited number of places available, students are assigned to a specific school.

To enroll your child in the Path program, you need to bring the school's location letter or assignment form along with any other required documentation. At Block Institute, we strongly believe that all people, regardless of their disability, have the potential to achieve greater independence and lead fuller lives. We offer essential skills programs, bilingual programs, and autism programs to special education students. If you are looking for specialized programs for students with disabilities in Brooklyn, New York schools, then Block Institute is your best option.

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Quentin Breier
Quentin Breier

Award-winning music lover. Avid web lover. Freelance twitter advocate. Extreme beer nerd. Friendly web nerd.

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